Doctors Timetable

Professional doctors are available for the proper diagnostics and treatments from various fields. Choose the perfect date & time for your visit as per convenience. For any assistance you always can call our helpline.  

Sanitizery Precautions

We can help stop the spread of COVID-19 by washing our hands regularly with soap and water for 20 seconds – especially after going to the bathroom, before eating, and after coughing, sneezing, or blowing our nose. If soap and water are not available, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevent...

Cure For Viral Fever

Most people have a body temperature of about 98.6°F (37°C). Anything a degree above this is considered a fever. Fevers are often a sign that your body is fighting off some type of bacterial or viral infection. A viral fever is any fever that’s caused by an underlying viral illness. A variety ...

Medicine Productions

The Good Medicine Specialists are professional performers with backgrounds in circus arts, music, improvisation, physical theater, magic and more. This is not a hobby, but a job they take seriously. Each performing artist brings his or her unique skills, experience, and sensitivity to this speci...